Upload time:2019/4/26 16:07:51 Number of visits:1985
[Cathay Pacific News] Recently, Cathay Pacific Group's four brands LOGO logo, through the National Copyright Protection Center audit, officially obtained the copyright registration certificate, indicating that Cathay Pacific Group's intellectual property protection has reached a new level!
Cathay Pacific Group's brand LOGO takes the initials "G" as the prototype and transforms itself into a phoenix born from bathing fire.“”,In order to symbolize the industry characteristics of the group, and treat people with benevolence and harmony. The left and right sides of the work are round, which symbolizes the vastness and far-reaching of the group's advance with a broad connotation. Brand logo is like a flag waving in the sunshine, which expresses the group's vision of striving for a benchmark.
This time, Cathay Pacific Group's four brand LOGO has been officially registered with the national copyright, which fully reflects that while Cathay Pacific Group is dedicated to brand management, it also constantly optimizes the external image of the brand to enhance brand strength, and continuously improves the high added value of services and products through the protection of intellectual property rights, so as to achieve in the minds of consumers. Incalculable brand impression.
蘇ICP備05040014號(hào)-4 Copyright ? 2014 Nanjing Guo Tai Fire Protection Group Co., Ltd.